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πŸ‘‹ Welcome to the Rokucraft WikiπŸ”—

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Welcome! Here you will be able to find a variety of information about our server, such as nation lore, gameplay tutorials and our rules. We hope that this wiki will help you find a whole bunch of interesting information and help you along your Rokucraft journey.

Our wiki sections

  • Nations - Our nations section is where you can find many things to do with each individual nation, such as legal systems, how to master elements in roleplay and more!

  • Roleplay - Our roleplay section is where you can find many things to do with how roleplay works on our server, such as roleplay guides, roleplay rules and more!

  • Gameplay - Our gameplay section is where you can find many things to do with Rokucraft gameplay, such as bending, how to make money and more ways to have fun on our server!

  • Server Related - Our server related section is where you can find many things to do with Rokucraft as a server, such as our rules, and what each staff role is and what they do.

Large parts of this wiki were written by collaborators in our community. A list of collaborators and other attributions can be found here.